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Installing VScode

Download VScode, follow the instructions given by the installer, and you should be greeted to a screen similar to this when VScode has finished installing. image

Remotely Connecting

If your OS is Windows, you need to install OpenSSH</br> Getting the course-specific account for CSE15l can be found here</br> Using VSCode, I connected to a remote computer using its remote option. In my terminal, I used the following command, but instead of the zz, it is replaced with the characters specific to my account

$ ssh

Since this was the first time connecting to the server, I got a message looking like

The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is SHA256:ksruYwhnYH+sySHnHAtLUHngrPEyZTDl/1x99wUQcec.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])?

The professor says to type yes so I entered that, then my password, and once logged in it looked like image

Run Some Commands

For this portion, I went through the specific commands given by this part of the lab like, cd , ls -a, and cat /home/linux/ieng6/cs15lwi22/public/hello.txt. The screenshot I took for the lab report was of what was returned when I entered ls -a image This returned all entries without ignoring those with a . listing. I then used Ctrl-D to exit the remote server.

Moving Files with scp

The scp command will copy a file from the client to the server, thus we tested out this feature by creating a file called, then transferred it to the remote computer using the command

scp cs15lwi22zz@ieng6,

image The image showed that the commands ls, javac, and java WhereAmI, were run on the server after entering a password to connect to the server from the scp command.

Setting an SSH Key

An ssh key allowed for streamlining entering the server by removing the need for a password for most steps. Entering ssh-keygen, and following the extra steps here, allowed for the set up of the ssh key, and allowed for me to use ssh and scp without entering my password, as seen image

Optimizing Remote Running

We settled on streamlining to a command seen image First, you use scp to copy a selected file with its directory path to the remote server, then ssh into the server, which was separated from the original command with a ;. In this ssh command, inlude wrapped by ", the javac command to compile the file in the remote server, then use a ; to seperate the next java command to run the file in the remote server.